WG Veerman


Overview of all WGs

WGPersonenStrom pp/MonatGas pp/MonatÖl HeizkostenKosten pp/MonatSonstiges (WLAN, Water etc.)Ges. pp/MonatSumme
HE50 WG793 kWh225 kWh72,95 €50 €122,95 €860,65 €
S33542 kWh50 €68,8 €50 €118,8 €594 €
S129EG649 kWh278 kWh63,3 €50 €113,3 €679,8 €
S129OG452 kWh208 kWh54 €55 €109 €436 €
G24DG481 kWh58 €92,4 €55 €147,4 €589,6 €
G24OG431 kWh35 €49,4 €55 €104,4 €417,6 €
E57118 kWh45 €94,2 €50 €144,2 €1009,4 €
S58446 kWh292 kWh64,2 €55 €119,2 €476,8 €
S523125 kWh556 kWh135,4 €55 €190,4 €571,2 €
K76DG496 kWh303 kWh85,85 €55 €140,85 €563,4 €


The average cost per Person and month is increased from less then 100€ to about 130€
From 1st of October 2022 I have to increase the rent by 20€ for each room new prices see website.
If you already pay the new price nothing will change, if not please increase the deposit and rent by 20€ from october 2022 on.
e.g. in the past your rent and deposit was 240€ and the new price is 260€ then please transfer 260€+20€ in october and from november on 260€ rent.
In case you have problems to pay this amount please let me know and we can find a solution.
To keep the prices below 120€ in avarage we need to reduce the heating temperature in the winter below 21 degree celcius. Please by pullover and a pair of socks for inside.